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This category is a somewhat special, an hybrid section we can say… here we not only discuss handicraft, but also a large number of subjects related to the computer world, software applications, computer numerical control machines, e-commerce, video editing, etc.

Why ?

Well let's go in order… first of all why a training section on this site? Certainly not to satisfy my ego by thinking of being able to teach others how to do their job, but simply because I have exercised it as a profession.

Yes, at the beginning of my career I worked for a long time in professional training, and with a touch of pride I also say that the feedback has always been very positive.

Okay, but how is the handicraft concerned with e-commerce, computers or video editing? Simply, although craftsmanship is a discipline where I put in all my heart, all my passion, all my energy, I studied computer science, and I worked as a software developer for Olivetti, for the European Union and finally for Apple. And it is also as a computer specialist that I can, with complete peace of mind, transmit my knowledge.

In conclusion, in the training section of this site, I offer courses and seminars based on real experiences and specially studied to adapt to customer requirements and requests.