I always like to know a little more about the people I interact with, if that's the same for you...
So here I am, this is me!

And you are of course welcome!

photo of me

About me

"Just so you know a little bit about me"

I only have a short line to make myself known, so I don’t waste the opportunity by simply diving you into a long recitation of my resume ...

About my skill

"I have spent the last 30 years developing my skills"

Once upon a time..., as a freelance software developer and UI designer, my entire career has developed along the design and ...

About my mission

"The craftsman 2.0, welcome to the 21st century"

It may seem paradoxical but globalisation is not proving to be the Eldorado that everyone believed, more and more forms of ...

About me

"Just so you know a little bit about me"

I only have a short line to make myself known, so I don’t waste the opportunity by simply diving you into a long recitation of my resume. Having said that, my name is Andrea, absolutely pro Europe, I consider myself European citizen of Italian nationality, I am married and father of a young teenager. 23 years ago, when I was 36 I moved to Belgium where I currently live and work. I can absolutely say that I am an enthusiastic person, I am passionate about new projects and I participate with pleasure in original and sometimes bizarre ideas. I really like leaving for new adventures and I realise that I am almost 60 years old only when I look myself in the mirror. With my wife we own a vineyard in lower Piedmont that I don't grow directly but I really like the idea of owning a DOC vineyard. Yes, it is on these Italian hills, Unesco heritage, that we spend our moments of relaxation, where my son was born and where we will live in retirement.

About my skill

"I have spent the last 30 years developing my skills"

Once upon a time..., as a freelance software developer and UI designer, my entire career has developed along the design and implementation of software and multimedia apps, working for great clients as Olivetti, European Council and Apple. With the same energy I’ve applied my passion for woodworking and handicraft creating concept-driven manufactured work in various creative disciplines, including prototyping, industrial design, antique clocks mechanism and conservative restoration. Initially as a simple passion, later as a parallel working activity, often investing in training and practice by expert craftsmen, obtaining in 2005 a diploma in Carpentry at “Scuola di falegnameria” in Alessandria (Italy), in 2003 a diploma in “Restoration of antique clocks” at professional school in Namur (Belgium).

About my mission

"The craftsman 2.0, welcome to the 21st century"

It may seem paradoxical but globalisation is not proving to be the Eldorado that everyone believed, more and more forms of manual skills that personalise products making them less anonymous and standardised are gaining value. It is therefore very important to enhance the professional role of many craftsmen as a creative class, through the promotion of their products as a precious heritage of our culture. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the "doing everything by oneself" of the craftsman, alone is no longer a winning model, tradition and the use of new technologies must live together compatibly. In addition, artisan activities must know how to be part of creative networks by being part of a larger production process, where the craftsman personalises objects made with standard industrial systems. In conclusion, my goal with eArtisan.eu is to provide an online catalog of products and activities related to the artisan world, dedicated both to those looking for a precious and unique object for themselves or to give, and for small artisans who wish to expand their knowledge towards wider potential, Wanting to provide a service as valued as possible goes without saying that the topics are mainly related to my personal passions. Like the restoration of antique clocks, the work of wood is absolutely fundamental the integration of new technologies.

D: What is the purpose of this site?

A: Born from the idea of wanting to bring together my greatest passions, woodworking, prototyping, antiques and computers, the site then evolved as a place where the small craftsman finds information and tools for integrate new technologies in his workshop, and also a place to offer his creations to the general public. For individuals, on the contrary, a place to buy unique objects designed to withstand the wear of time, where art and passion play a fundamental role.

D: What does Artisan 2.0 mean?

A: 2.0 indicates in computer jargon the next version of software and has generally been used to indicate any form of evolution. In our case, the craftsman and his experience always remain the pivot on which the whole creation process revolves, but incorporates new tools and new technologies that make the work more precise, fast and efficient, without underestimating the manual skills and the art that they are proper to the craftsman.